Saturday, September 5, 2009


I Received this email from a good friend of mine and I thought it was very helpful to all of us. It is titled: Ask For An American.

Try to remember this every time you have to talk to a Customer Service Rep and you can't understand a word that they are saying. I didn't know that we could do this....but I was sure going to try it. Help bring jobs back to the USA. Ask for an American!

Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you some great information that I found out purely by accident. I believe it can also save jobs in America while giving people better customer service.

So how many times have you called a companies phone service line and found out that the rep can barely speak English? Once with a major mortgage company it was so bad that I demanded to speak to someone who spoke English. Right at that moment, I broke the code, The secret password for customer service.....come to find out, that every AMERICAN COMPANY USING OVERSEAS OPERATORS, MUST TRANSFER YOU TO A REP IN AMERICA! ( Don't take no for an answer on this!). This was confirmed by the American rep that they must transfer you after that request. I've tried it on half a dozen major companies including cable, phone, credit cards companies, banks, and mortgage companies. It works every time and I actually get my issues taken care of!

Another thing to help save even more jobs....Don't use the automated check out lines that they are pushing at the big box stores. Once again I found out that if we use those lanes, rather than real cashiers, people lose their jobs too. I have had at least two cashiers thank me for helping to save their jobs! I didn't know we could do this, but I will start doing this from now on to keep Americans working. Will you do your part to?

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